Sunday, March 14, 2010

Once in a lifetime

A bald eagle visited our neighborhood this morning.

My husband awakened me from dream sleep. You've got to come downstairs and see this, he said, excitedly reporting the details. "It's once in a lifetime," he stressed, noticing that I had barely moved.

I opened one eye to a slit and managed to make my way downstairs. I peered out the back door window, trying to open both eyes at the same time. I noted that it was at least a full hour before my son usually awakens.

The eagle was perched atop a tall pine tree. Crows were cawing and dive-bombing at the majestic bird, trying to shoo it away from their tree. It flew nonchalantly to another tall pine on just a bit higher ground. It stayed there for a couple of hours, plenty of time for all of us to focus the binoculars and get a good look.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool, we have had two eagles living up by our cabin for the last couple of years. They fly right over the cabin and I mean right over it, inches from the top of the cabin.

    They fly to a tree near by and will sit there for hours.
