Thursday, May 21, 2015

Alternate modes of transportation

My son usually rides the bus to school. For the past two weeks, he has been hitching car rides from his Dad in order to get there early for school Safety Patrol training. This morning, he rode his bike.

He left at 6:40 a.m., his Dad accompanying him on the 26-block, mostly downhill ride. He arrived at 7 a.m., about 15 minutes early. My husband called to let me know they had arrived safely. Sam had a great ride and received a bright orange t-shirt for participating in Walk/Bike to School Day.

I'm supposed to meet Sam and his Dad after school and running club for the mostly uphill ride home. When I walk to work, my 7-minute downhill jaunt takes about 14 minutes on the return. We'll see how this return bike ride goes. Getting to the school bus that stops less than half a block from our home seems so much easier.

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