Sunday, March 15, 2009

The wound is deep

I stepped onto my front porch Saturday afternoon, tired but upbeat after a couple of intense hours teaching Torah and Hebrew to a group of rambunctious kindergarteners. A package notice had been left in my mailbox. My husband receives a lot of packages, so I thought nothing of it.

It wasn't until after I briefed my husband on my morning experiences and put my son down for his nap that I turned my attention to the mail I had tossed on the couch. The notice was for me. A certified letter from my former employer awaits me at the main post office. I stopped cold in my tracks.

They took away my livelihood, cut off my benefits and ended my chosen career of 24 years -- all on one sunny afternoon in September. Now, six months later, what more could they possibly want from me? I am forced to wait and wonder until the post office reopens on Monday.

The wound is much deeper than I believed.


  1. Ok, I'll bite. So what was in the package??

  2. Tim and I both worked at the Dayton Daily News -- until they unexpectedly 'downsized' him in March after 5 years. We're stunned, as you are. Andrea, we have so much in common! The first thing I did on the 'day after' was cancel our subscription. The hardest part -- I can't tell you how hard -- is walking into this place day after day as a 'survivor.'
