Friday, April 17, 2009

The black spot

One of the best things about having a child is being able to read your favorite children's books again, as well as ones that you hadn't read. In two months, we've completed Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Charlotte's Web, Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. Last night we started reading Treasure Island.

We read three to four chapters a day: first thing in the morning, just before naptime and just before bedtime.

Sometimes it's a challenge to answer my son's questions -- on a 4-year-old's terms -- about what's happening in the book. "Why did Peter Pan's mother bar the window?" "Why is the Queen of Hearts always beheading everyone?" "Why does the farmer want to eat Wilbur?

As a girl, I never read Treasure Island. But I can tell that it's going to be a good book. As my husband came in and out of the living room last night and this morning, he kept inquiring excitedly if we had gotten to the black spot yet. This book obviously made an impression on him when he was a child. Not yet, but we have met the Black Dog, I replied.

"Is the Black Dog good or bad?" my son asked. So far, I haven't been asked to explain why Captain Bill's fingers shake when he hasn't had his rum.


  1. The little one must have a good attention span to listen so well. Excellent!

  2. Good attention span, yes, but with the literary preferences of, well, a 4-year-old. He's been giggling all night about Spongebob Airpants, a book he selected today at the library.
